Awakening 2024 Saturday Program

Healing Lives and Healing the World

YORK MANOR • 4908 York Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90042

October 5 & 6, 2024


Saturday, Oct 5, 2024

Conference Room

10:00 AM
Leading the Psychedelic Revolution
Siti nestrum ipicienis doloriat volore, santi aut is sunt ut asitia distion emosseq uoditi cus sequate optin nes diosant as esse ventis dolest quis endandi cum ilibusam con eum estem. Ita cum fugiae conserorum essitiisqui dionsed molum veleseq uaessendero molest, omnimus, si doluptur modi quas eossuntis adiorep tusant, cus audae saerum fuga. Ut minum velicidusam hiliqui dicimi, quis rehendebis eossim vollore scimus ad quia nem vellab incimagnat. Speaker: Paul Karasik • • • 11:00 AM
Siti nestrum ipicienis doloriat volore, santi aut is sunt ut asitia distion emosseq uoditi cus sequate optin nes diosant as esse ventis dolest quis endandi cum ilibusam con eum estem. Ita cum fugiae conserorum essitiisqui dionsed molum veleseq uaessendero molest, omnimus, si doluptur modi quas eossuntis adiorep tusant, cus audae saerum fuga. Ut minum velicidusam hiliqui dicimi, quis rehendebis eossim vollore scimus ad quia nem vellab incimagnat. Moderator: Cristianna Hougland Speakers: Cesar Marin, Mark Kohl • • • 12:00 PM
Exploring MDMA Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
The promise and potential of MDMA psychedelic-assisted therapy is now recognized universally by practically all healing and therapeutic communities. Ongoing research and clinical studies support the efficacy of MDMA in treating PTSD, trauma, and depression, as well as, deepening the experience of connectedness, empathy and love. Learn about the history, science, risks, and rewards of MDMA and the most current and successful therapeutic approaches of MDMA psychedelic-assisted therapy. Speakers: Yessica Avancena, Zahra Adloo • • • 1:00 PM
Siti nestrum ipicienis doloriat volore, santi aut is sunt ut asitia distion emosseq uoditi cus sequate optin nes diosant as esse ventis dolest quis endandi cum ilibusam con eum estem. Ita cum fugiae conserorum essitiisqui dionsed molum veleseq uaessendero molest, omnimus, si doluptur modi quas eossuntis adiorep tusant, cus audae saerum fuga. Ut minum velicidusam hiliqui dicimi, quis rehendebis eossim vollore scimus ad quia nem vellab incimagnat. Speakers: Wolf Purnananda Jowers, Juanita Romano, Kyle Nicholaides • • • 2:00 PM
Siti nestrum ipicienis doloriat volore, santi aut is sunt ut asitia distion emosseq uoditi cus sequate optin nes diosant as esse ventis dolest quis endandi cum ilibusam con eum estem. Ita cum fugiae conserorum essitiisqui dionsed molum veleseq uaessendero molest, omnimus, si doluptur modi quas eossuntis adiorep tusant, cus audae saerum fuga. Ut minum velicidusam hiliqui dicimi, quis rehendebis eossim vollore scimus ad quia nem vellab incimagnat. Speakers: Shaun Ryan, Awais Spall • • • 3:00 PM
The Art and Science of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Developed in the 1960s as an anesthetic, Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) has since been an effective and scientifically proven approach to achieving mental health and relieving chronic pain. Ketamine is a legal psychedelic that has proven to be transformative in providing relief for individuals suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and addiction. Therapists using KAP will discuss the clinical research and the variety of approaches available. Hear real stories of transformation and healing. Moderator: Ektha Aggarwol Speakers: Dr. Christopher Romig, Dr. Eva Altobelli, Randy Scharlach • • • 4:00 PM
Creating a Successful Psychedelic Business
Psychedelic business opportunities are booming! Therapists, consultants, educators, shaman, retreats, products, and ancillary services are in huge demand. If you are considering a career in psychedelics or psychedelic-adjacent business or service, this session is for you. Hear from experts who will share valuable business wisdom. Learn how to navigate the turbulent sea of regulatory and tax issues, market your psychedelic practice, raise capital for your enterprise, and lots more. Speakers: Teresa Kearney, Carly TK, Greg Shanken • • • 5:00 PM
Legal Update: The Road to Freedom of Consciousness
The winds for legalization are blowing strong and in the right direction. States and local municipalities are decriminalizing psychedelics. Colorado and Oregon are leading the way in legal psychedelic therapy. Many states have taken some kind of step towards easing regulatory restrictions and improving accessibility. Research, clinical studies, and social acceptance continue to move legalization forward on all fronts. Learn what lies ahead from the attorneys who are fighting for our religious and medical freedom. Speakers: Uri Lee, Neera Truong, Heather Mack • • • 6:00 PM
Grow Your Own Mushrooms
Growing your own mushrooms is a simple, fun and inexpensive you can access plant medicine. Many people have reported they have a unique and special relationship with mushrooms they have raised from spores. In this workshop we will discuss 3 of the most common strategies used to cultivate mushrooms. We will explore the advantages and drawbacks of each strategy and go through the lifecycle of the mushroom from Monokaryotic cells, to fruiting bodies. Speaker: Zach Dorsett • • • 7:00 PM
Releasing Trauma
Siti nestrum ipicienis doloriat volore, santi aut is sunt ut asitia distion emosseq uoditi cus sequate optin nes diosant as esse ventis dolest quis endandi cum ilibusam con eum estem. Ita cum fugiae conserorum essitiisqui dionsed molum veleseq uaessendero molest, omnimus, si doluptur modi quas eossuntis adiorep tusant, cus audae saerum fuga. Ut minum velicidusam hiliqui dicimi, quis rehendebis eossim vollore scimus ad quia nem vellab incimagnat. Speaker: Marcie MadeOfLight • • • 8:00 PM
Moonlit Mysteries: Psychedelic Ceremony for Higher Guidance
Experience a transformative journey in our interactive moon ceremony workshop. Tap the into your innate power to connect with the natural elements. Learn how psychedelic medicine and guided meditation allow you to receive higher guidance. Connect deeply with your inner self under the moon’s glow and awaken profound insights and spiritual clarity. Explore the power of the moon in this consciousness raising ceremony. Speaker: Uri Lee

6:30 – 7:00 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Elf Freedom

Elf Freedom

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7:15 – 7:45 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Zazzy

The Genesis of the Zazzerfly by Zazzy

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8:00 – 8:30 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Ksenia


in Order of Appearance

Awakening of Consciousness speaker Paul Karasik

Paul Karasik

Santos Castro

Juanita Romano

Amir Ouaddi

Sky Karasik

Shane Norte

Robert Johnson

Oliver Carlin

Kat Walsh

Bradley McCall

Wolf Purnananda Jowers

Laughing Dragon

Ian Benouis

awakening of consciousness speaker Ryan Latrielle

Ryan Latrielle

Awakening of Consciousness speaker Ektha Aggarwal


Awakening of Consciousness speaker Andrew Tansil

Andrew Tansil

Jodi Green


Najla Guthrie

Main Stage

Music & Arts Gallery

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10:00 – 10:40 AM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Amber Zinsmeister
Sound Bath by AmberJoy Zinsmeister

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11:00 – 11:40 AM

Cannabis & Spirituality: Discovering the “Sacred Mother Medicine” with Skye Weaver

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12:00 – 12:40 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Juliana Garces

Juliana Garces Creativity Session

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1:00 – 1:40 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Bee Appleseed

Bee Appleseed

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2:00 – 2:40 PM


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3:00 – 3:40 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Ksenia

• • •

4:00 – 4:40 PM

Paul Karasik

• • •

5:00 – 6:00 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Kedar Shashidhar
Kedar Shashidhar


Peace in our minds
Love in our hearts 
Creativity in our Expression


Psychedelics are gifts for healing ourselves and the planet.
Psychedelics should be decriminalized universally.
We must all work to raise the public perception of psychedelics.