Awakening 2024

Healing Lives and Healing the World

YORK MANOR • 4908 York Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90042

October 5 & 6, 2024

Awakening 2024 is a convergence of the world’s leading experts in psychedelics. You will have the opportunity to learn from the foremost researchers, healers, scientists, therapists, practitioners, activists, and thought leaders.

Join us and celebrate the Psychedelic Renaissance! Hear from over 33 of the leading experts in the field about how psychedelics can change your mind, change your life, and change the world.

Discover the potential of plant medicine and psychedelics—including magic mushrooms, ayahuasca, ibogaine, DMT, cannabis, and MDMA—and learn how they are being used to treat a variety of mental and physical conditions.

Find out for yourself how psychedelics successfully address the current epidemic of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, pain, autism, OCD, and a variety of other psychological problems.

Learn from the health professionals who have facilitated countless successful breakthrough therapeutic sessions with the use of psychedelics and discover which of these substances might be right for you or someone you know. At Awakening 2023, you will learn how and where to begin your explorations into psychedelic healing.

Psychedelics have been used for tens of thousands of years as a path to greater peace, health, and joy in life. Doctors, therapists, shamans, guides, and healers who have studied with indigenous masters and carry their ancient wisdom into their modern-day practices will share their extensive knowledge. Learn about the progress being made toward regulatory approval and universal access.

Network with your colleagues and the vibrant psychedelic community. Share the most up-to-date information, clinical research, and application of psychedelics for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy live performances, healing workshops, and incredible food. 

WHAT TO EXPECT at Awakening 2024

2000 Participants
33+ Speakers
Goody Bags & Program Materials
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Exquisite Vegetarian Cuisine
VIP/Speaker/Media Reception
Psychedelic Art Show
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12 Live Music Performances
Healing Workshops
Celebrity Guests
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After-Party at the Beach
Exhibits & Vendors
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32 Speakers & Workshop Leaders

Jodi Green

As a lawyer and business advisor at Feldman Legal Advisors/Skip Intro Advisors, Jodi helps the psychedelics ecosystem ethically and sustainably grow. Driven by the transformative powers of psychedelics as a tool for healing and expanding consciousness, Jodi also serves as Executive Director of Women in Psychedelics Network; an advisor for Beautiful Space; and co-founder of the psychedelics event group, Department of Consciousness. She is a sought-after speaker for organizations such as Psychedelics Today, YPO, KNX News, Law360, and Bloomberg. A 2023 California Super Lawyer, Jodi also studied at Harvard Law School and UC Berkeley on negotiation and ESG.

Greg Lake

Greg is a trial and appellate attorney, author, and entrepreneur, having assisted over 40 entheogen-based religious groups enshrine their rights under the free exercise laws. Greg is a prolific writer, having written three books: “Psychedelic in Mental Health Series: Psilocybin,” “The Law of Entheogenic Churches in the United States” and “The Law of Entheogenic Churches (Vol. II): The definition of religion under the first amendment.”, and his work has been featured in numerous articles and podcasts, on a variety of topics pertaining to entheogenic, religious and cognitive freedom. He is the CEO of EntheoConnect and a Co-founder of the Church of Psilomethoxin.

Juanita Romano

Juanita Romano, also referred to by her Indigenous name Vanâheo'o (Sage Woman) Is a Cheyenne Medicine Woman of over 20 years experience in the Healing Arts and founder of Healing Gardens Native American Church located in Los Angeles California In working with Grandmother Ayahuasca, she traveled to the Shipibo Tribe in South America were she emersed herself in the studies of the Icaros, plant diet protocols and other core elements of traditional led ceremonies under the guidance of the Shamanic Maestro of Inka Kena. Juanita serves the vision of The Rainbow Tribe Prophecy, that healing belongs to us all, and that in harmony and unity we find our strength.

Santos Castro

Santos is a licensed holistic therapist and Mestizo healer. He is co-founder of Conscious Partnership and Wolfheart Way Men’s Collective. Author of two books and almost three decades in the mental health field.  He had his first spiritual awakening at 15 years old. That initiated his life as a healer. Was the first member of his family to get sober from three generations of addiction. Santos shamanic initiation began after his mother and grandmother died guiding him from the spirit realm. Currently, he is dedicating his time building a psychedelic educational company to support the blending of the shamanic and clinical worlds. 

Amir Ouaddi

Father, Ceremonial Medicine Man / Shamanic guide, Student and Guardian of Ancestral Wisdom.Of indigenous Mexican (P'urhepecha/Wixarika) and North African (Berber) ethnic heritage- Apprenticed under amazonian (Ayahuasca) Healers, of both Mestizo and Shipibo lineages, since 2012 and actively guiding and co-facilitating since September 2022. I also work with the Sacred Mushrooms and Sacred Tobacco, among other medicinal plants - both psychoactive and non-psychoactive. All of my work and offerings are done in honor and service to the Divine Light of God.

Ian McCall

Ian McCall is a retired American mixed martial arts world champion, performance coach, and founder of The McCall Method. Ian credits psychedelics for his successful recovery from his decade-long dependence on pain medication due to severe sports injuries, including traumatic brain injuries. Since his retirement, Ian has become a prominent advocate for the decriminalization of psychedelics as holistic mind and body therapy. Ian is an advocate for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. He supports his clients in reconnecting with meaning in their lives, experiencing deeper relationships with others, and finding their true purpose.

Psychedelic Artists

Elif Hurdogan

Elif is a freelance designer who is into spirituality and rainbows, which inspired her to create her art project, Spirit of the Rainbow. The psychedelic tones in her art was her calling even before she had no psychedelic experience. And when she had, it was a homecoming. She channels a high vibrational poem for each piece of art she creates. Elif's art and poems can be found on her Spirit of the Rainbow Instagram page and her merchandise website

Burt VeraCruz

Burt Vera Cruz is an Oakland-based psychedelic motion designer who creates kaleidoscopic, moving mandalas that explore the hidden dimensions of reality. Using astral projection, meditation, and plant medicines, he reveals an esoteric, geometric language underlying the fabric of our universe. From ferns to bees to galaxies, his artwork invites viewers to fully explore the sovereign dimensions of the free mind and experience the divine and magical in the present moment.

Patty Vega

fire_inthehead makes videos and paintings that capture light, movement and emotion. Her art attempts to harness the essence of life force by using color, form and composition. The work vibrates with a mysterious consciousness that captures our elemental humanity.

Her videos and paintings are composed of layers of images and brushstrokes through the use of digital tools. Those layers are then recorded as video or printed on a variety of materials such as aluminum, acrylic, mylar, linen, paper and other materials. The energy of the work invites the viewer into a slowly unfurling narrative of the very meaning of human consciousness and the complexity of civilization.


Artificial intelligence only in positive way (AI) An artist who is at the forefront in this field - @artifauxreal. His work focuses on creating AI art images that reflect the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Adam uses algorithms to generate images that are inspired by the patterns, colors, and shapes found in nature. His work has garnered significant attention from art and AI enthusiasts alike.


Friday, October 4, 2024

6:00 – 8:30 PM

VIP/Speakers/Media Reception

Network with the Awakening 2024 speakers and the psychedelic industry thought leaders who are shaping the future of psychedelics. Connect and expand your network within the psychedelic community. Don’t miss this occasion if you are interested in growing personally or if you are a psychedelic industry professional seeking to deepen your connections.



Saturday, October 5, 2024

Conference Room

10:00 AM

Leading the Psychedelic Revolution

Speaker: Paul Karasik

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11:00 AM


Moderator: Cristianna Hougland
Speakers: Cesar Marin, Mark Kohl

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12:00 PM

Exploring MDMA Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Speakers: Yessica Avancena, Zahra Adloo

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1:00 PM


Moderator: Sky Karasik
Speakers: Wolf Purnananda Jowers, Juanita Romano, Kyle Nicholaides

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2:00 PM


Moderator: Sky Karasik
Speakers: Shaun Ryan, Awais Spall

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3:00 PM

The Art and Science of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Moderator: Ektha Aggarwol
Speakers: Dr. Christopher Romig, Dr. Eva Altobelli, Randy Scharlach

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4:00 PM

Creating a Successful Psychedelic Business

Moderator: Craig TK
Speakers: Teresa Kearney, Paul W TK, Greg Shanken

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5:00 PM

Legal Update: The Road to Freedom of Consciousness

Speakers: Uri Lee, Neera Truong, Heather Mack

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6:00 PM

Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Speaker: Zach Dorsett

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7:00 PM

Releasing Trauma

Speaker: Marcie MadeOfLight

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8:00 PM

Moonlit Mysteries: Psychedelic Ceremony for Higher Guidance

Speaker: Uri Lee

Psychedelic Music Performances

6:30 – 7:00 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Elf Freedom

Elf Freedom

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7:15 – 7:45 PM

The Genesis of the Zazzerfly by Zazzy

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8:00 – 8:30 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Ksenia


Main Stage

10:00 – 10:40 AM

Music & Arts Gallery

10:00 – 10:40 AM

Sound Bath by AmberJoy Zinsmeister

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11:00 – 11:40 AM

Cannabis & Spirituality: Discovering the “Sacred Mother Medicine” with Skye Weaver

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12:00 – 12:40 PM

Juliana Garces Creativity Session

Awakening of Consciousness performer Juliana Garces

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1:00 – 1:40 PM

Bee Appleseed

Awakening of Consciousness performer Bee Appleseed

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2:00 – 2:40 PM


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3:00 – 3:40 PM


Awakening of Consciousness performer Ksenia

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4:00 – 4:40 PM

Paul Karasik

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5:00 – 5:40 PM

Awakening of Consciousness performer Kedar Shashidhar

Kedar Shashidhar


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Schedule at a glance. Click for full Sunday program »

Conference Room

10:00 AM


Speaker: Special Guest

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11:00 AM

The Science Behind Choosing the Best Psychedelic for Your Journey

Speaker: Dr John McCorvy

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12:00 PM

The God Molecule: 5-MeO-DMT

Moderator: Sky Karasik
Speakers: Stephan Kerby, Martin Ball

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1:00 PM

The Joy of Sex and Psychedelics

Moderator: Sky Karasik
Speakers: Hannah Jo, Olivia Clear

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2:00 PM


Moderator: Scott Von Heldt
Speakers: Adam Grossman, Brooke Westlake

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3:00 PM


Moderator: Paul W TK
Speaker: Tom Zuber

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4:00 PM

Creating a Psychedelic Community to Support Your Lifestyle

Moderator: Hanna Jo
Speakers: Jacob Tell, Shane Norte, Prranit Vaswani

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5:00 PM

Freedom From Addiction with Psychedelics

Moderator: JoAnne TK
Speakers: Fernando Borrega, Danielle Dunn

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6:00 PM


Speaker: Skye Weaver

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7:00 PM

Souline Workshop

Speaker: Lane Carlson

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8:00 PM

Exploring the Divine Feminine with Psychedelics

Speaker: Jocelyn Tuchon


Psychedelic Music Performances

6:30 – 7:00 PM

Erick Casano

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7:15 – 7:45 PM

Amir Ouaddi

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8:00 – 8:30 PM

Mr. Snow

Main Stage

Music & Arts Gallery

10:00 – 10:40 AM

Alchemy Sound Healing by Delia Hogan

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11:00 – 11:40 AM

Cannabis-Assisted Breathwork:
Join a Mystical Journey of Smoke, Breath and Meditation w/ Santos Castro

Awakening of Consciousness speaker Santos Castro

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12:00 – 12:40 PM

Malia Nicole & Danny Byrne

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1:00 – 1:40 PM

“How to Grow Your Own Mushrooms”
by Oliver Carlin

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2:00 – 2:40 PM

Mr. Snow

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3:00 – 3:40 PM

Marc Erickson

Awakening of Consciousness performer Marc Erickson

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4:00 – 4:40 PM

Amir Ouaddi

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5:00 – 5:40 PM

Erick Casano


Awakening 2024

Healing Lives and Healing the World

YORK MANOR • 4908 York Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90042

Date Tk–TK, 2024


Peace in our minds
Love in our hearts 
Creativity in our Expression


Psychedelics are gifts for healing ourselves and the planet.
Psychedelics should be decriminalized universally.
We must all work to raise the public perception of psychedelics.